Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Chosen One... Well, For Now Anyways!

New blog soon to come...

-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. LOVED IT! I usually don't like the movies, and I really think I like this one because I purposefully did not re-read the book before I saw the movie. Point is, it's great! I got a Gryffinfor scarf as an early birthday present to wear to the midnight showing. There will be a picture of said scarf soon. I lent it to a friend and can't wait to get it back.
Hilarious quotes from the movie. Taken from memory, they are not word perfect.

(At the Dursley's)
Fleur: "Don't look at me. I'm hideous."

(At the Weasley's)
George: "Good morrrning."

(At the wedding)
Luna: "C'mom dad. Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now, he's just too polite to say so.

(At the Ministry of Magic)
Ron: "Good morning."
Harry: "Ron, it's me."
Ron: "Oh, hey!! I'd forgotten what you looked like."

(On the Hogwarts Express)
Neville: "Hey losers. He's not here."

(In the tent)
Hermione: "Oh my gosh."
Harry: "What?!"

(Also in the tent)
Harry: "Ingorgio."
Harry and Ron: "FINITE!!!"

(In the basement of Malfoy Manor)
Harry: "So you can apparate in and out of here?"
Dobby: "Yes. I'm an elf."

*Sniffles* Can't believe how much they've grown up!

I LOVE THE WEASLEYS. Seriously, I have a major crush on those red-headed boys. And Ginny's a tough girl that makes me laugh. (Please click the picture so you can see the whole thing. It's fantastic. Stupid Blogger for cutting it in half.)

This is from the 6th film, but I really wanted to find a picture of Tonks and Lupin that wasn't clipped this is what I found. I love them. :)

Ahhh... I can't wait to see it again.
Have a great Saturday!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd- Photo 2

Taken 11/2. Posted 11/2

Note: I will try to post an actual blog soon! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Photo a Day Keeps Negativity At Bay

Photo 1. Taken 11/1. Posted 11/1.
