Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So... it's been a very long time since I have used this page. I've been behind on writing much of anything, really. I don't think anyone reads this anyway...
Haha, so I want to write again on this eventually.
I've realized within the past week or so, that it really is very important to keep records of your life. Think about it- how would we know our ancestory? Or the fact that wars have occured? How would we know any legit history, that wasn't just word-of-mouth? Now, I may not think that my life is truly all that significant, but I still think- that no matter who you are- you should keep some sort of journal. I have been using LDSJournal, and writing down things on occasion, but I do need to get back to that!

SO if anyone is reading this--- keep a journal!!


Thursday, June 25, 2009


There are several funny things that have been said over the past few weeks that I don't want to forget, and I don't want to clutter my Facebook with or handwrite them all. So, here are some off of the top of my head for now. :)

Ginny:"I'm so hungry, I'll have to eat someone in this resteraunt!"
*Kelsey, Weston and I eye her nervously*
Ginny:"Not you, I need you. ...That little girl over there looks good."
*Questionable looks from us*
Ginny:"She doesn't look very fast, thats the important thing."
*All four of us bust up laughing*

Me:"OH! I'm so sorry!"
Waitress:"It's okay, really."
*Waitress walks off*
Ginny:"What did you do?"
Me: "Well, she was leaning over to set the pizza down, and it was crowded, and...I accidently stabbed her with my fork."
*Everyone laughs hysterically*

Kelsey: "Things change, things always change. And things will continue to change until the day you DIE!"

Braden: "Logan isn't mad at me anymore. We didn't break up. So you don't have to worry about it anymore."
*I stare at him blankly*
Me:"Yeah...okay! Thanks."

Weston (as Jesus): "Do you know what this means?"
Lexi: "I do!! A baby!"
Weston (as Jesus): "....No."

Maddie: "Weston, watch what you say!"

Ginny: "ACK! I can't get your names right! Dustin! Weston! Look, theres another one, Cason! YOU!! I like you. Suede."

Ginny: "Ugh! My snow cone is spitting at me!"
*Weston and I look to see her snow cone truly looks like it is gushing syrup at her face.
*Then, instead of trying to help, we start laughing*

Ginny: "Snow cone time! -Wait.."
Weston: "What!?"
Ginny:"I'm running out of gas, I need to get my card."
*Turns around to get card at the UofO. In the meantime, we've left Kelsey with a few of the Company One kids to wait until their parents get there.*
Weston: "Kelsey will see us, and be soo happy that we came back, to rescue her!"
Ginny: "Which is why I'm going in the back door."

Monday, May 11, 2009

I have a song stuck in my head that I can't remember the name of, so let's title this, that. :)

Heya, it's been a couple weeks. I've been busy, and for about a week I was really sick, (Ooh, it's 11:11!!) ( and even though that would've been a time with much oppurtunity to write, I did not. I apologize. Well, it's the merry month o may, and school is wrapping up. Which I am happy about, but also very sad. :( Blakely, Hannah, Robert, Alex, Faith, etc are all graduating, and it'll be very tough without the first three in PTC anymore. Luckily, I have two summer shows working with Robert and Alex. Still, I've now realized I never did a scene with Blakely, that depresses me beyond anything. But, oh well, that's how life goes...

You know, I believe that blogs should be uplifting and inspirational, and so far, all this blog is doing is make me feel stressed and sad. That's just a GREAT combination, is it not? My mood overall isn't too bad, just calm and sorta tired. My subconcious must be upset. haha.

Today was Jared's 10th b-day, my my MY how time flies! I still remember he was born, I was at school. Someone called over the intercom for me to go to the front office. So, my little kindergarden self hightailed it to the office where they had my dad on the phone. I was SO excited, bc I didn't know whether the baby was a boy or girl. I wanted a boy, and that's what he was! That was in 1999, and this is 2009. I feel really old. Being born in the 90's is almost as bad as being born in the 80's, muahahaha! ;) Ah well, we all have to be born at some point, right?

I'm not sure exactly why I'm writing, maybe it's bc I felt super guilty bc of how long it's been since I've posted. Or maybe it's just bc I'm bored but sleepy. Ha! I just realized something... I never abbreviate or use 'slangs' in my writing or corespondance, except for "bc". "because". I don't know why, but that's always been a word that I hate spelling. I just don't like it. So, I always say bc instead. It's also a lot faster than typing out a 7 letter word. That's my random weird thing of the day, and trust me, I do and think odd things. That's not always a bad thing, right?

Today I suppose was a nice day. Heather and I took Jared and Kimberlee to the park and got snow cones. Delish! I always am so sad when they close Lana's for the fall and winter. We had the missionaries and grandma over to eat dinner with, and Jared gor a Star Wars Wii game, which he did NOT want to stop playing so he could sleep. 2 and a half hours straight of video gaming will do that to ya. But, he likes his bday present, so we're all happy. I wrapped that dang dvd case too, TWICE. The first time I wrapped it, it wouldn't cover the "spine" of the case completely, so I wrapped more paper on top of that. It was Christmas paper too, bc we Scotts are oh-so-classy. ;)

One last thing before I skidaddle. We watched Pride and Prejudice last night! After all the Mother's Day hulabaloo festivities. *sigh* I love that movie. I still have very fond memories of the first time I saw that movie, but that's a story for another time. I love love love to type, but I can't type when the words no longer make sense. (Meaning typing while I'm asleep haha) I'd better go...I'm crashing...slowly... Speaking of which, mom had Elder Simakov and Elder Butler listen to our version, AHHHH! Anyway...I'll see ya later. I say this sincerly, hopefully I'll be able to blog again soon. PTC Showcase Thursday, resume due tomorrow, EEK! Company 1 showcase tomorrow. Very busy, and very nervous, for the PTC Showcase anyway. Ciao~! Pleasant dreams.


"Surely, you must know, it was all for you." - Mr. Darcy ~ Pride and Prejudice

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Oh, dear. I feel significantly overwhelmed. Yes, thats right. I just realized the school is almost over, yet again... and a lot of things will be changing. Changes are good yes, but the changes coming soon are not the type I want to happen. I have friends graduating high school, and leaving for college, I have a friend leaving for two years, etc. It's going to be tough. I have a feeling its going to be a great summer, and I want to make the best out of it. I'm just... like I said, overwhelmed by the realization by it. I've also realized that I myself, will be graduating in two years. It's crazy. I was driving yesterday, and thought to myself, "I'm too young to drive!" In reality, I'm not... but I remember being 9 years old as if it were yesterday. It's insanity I tell you, insanity!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yeah I need to write... here's something for now.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Little Bit of Thinking.

It is tough, I've realized for me to be consistent with this blog. I feel like I should only write when I am in the mood to do so...which happens to be less often than I figured it would be. I always seem to have something else to do. The thing is, I really do think it's important to write down what you feel and whatnot. Years down the road, I'm sure I'll want to read back on how I thought about things, and where I was at this point in my life. How will I know if I've progressed any if I haven't kept track? Will I just...know? Ha, it does sound strange yes, but still the question is there. This past month or so...really this whole last school year has been a big struggle. A lot has happened to me, my family, my friends. Many things have changed, things have begun, friendships have ended and started or even put on hold. I was thinking, as one might think in the late December of a year, 'What have I accomplished since August? What have I done that has helped me move forward?" At first, it feels like I've done nothing. Nothing worth recalling. But then I think harder...over all the experiences I've had. Many of them, definitely. My feelings for certain people have changed, in different ways than you would think, and my first judgements of people have been changed as well. I have grown. Not in just a literal sense, but it my spirit and mind especially. Every step I've taken has brought me closer to the woman I am becoming, the one that will continue in this crazy world we live in. Sure, I've had the occasional setback. But it has made me become stronger. I have gained respect for several people, as well I myself. It's hard to imagine, but I believe I have gained more confidence in myself than I ever thought possible. Sure, it's not much confidence at all at the moment, but the fact that it's there...and able to grow. That is great.

I? I am not an angry person. I don't hold grudges. I do believe that time is one of the best things to remedy a situation. Not make it perfect, but... When you're in a fight in first grade, lets say. Weren't you told to take deep breaths, wait 10 seconds, and think before you begun again? Wasn't it, by the end of those 10 seconds, your desire to bicker and yell was not as strong anymore? Now of course, being a 16 year old, my problems and arguments are bigger than cutting in line to go down the curly slide. But... time does heal. It really does, I promise. It gives you time to look back at what's happened, and what you can do to not necessarily fix the problem, or situation, but to make the best desicions, and make the best out of it. I wont deny that I have made mistakes, been wrong about things at times, everybody makes mistakes. Everyone needs to be forgiven too. 70 x 7, you know that! Just remember. Everything that happens in life is a lesson to be learned, with a consequence to follow. We were sent here to be taught, and to learn. What good is this life, if we don't learn anything?

So... "And every tear that had to fall from my eyes, Everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night, Every change, life has thrown me, I'm thankful, for every break in my heart, I'm grateful, for every scar, Some pages turned ,Some bridges burned, But there were lessons learned." (Lessons Learned ~Carrie Underwood.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Post Coming Soon!

Hey... It's been busy. I will post very soon. Ciao!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Everything's Just Fine

I realize that I need to be more consistent and diligent with this blog. I've had in since October, and have put what, 5 entries? Maybe more. I'm not quite sure. I always feel inspired to write listening to certain types of music. Right now, I'm listening to Elijah Bossenbroek, the brilliant pianst, go figure! His music is always so... almost other-wordly to me. It's just...very calming, and almost gives you this feeling that you can do anything, be anybody. I absolutely love it. I hope to achieve the ability to compose music at some point in my life. I know it's going to have to take a lot of studying. I was watching some old YouTube videos of The 5 Browns yesterday, and was just amazed by the work they must have all put in into their study of music. All of them in Juliard, it's crazy.

Okay, so yesterday we were having a lesson in Young Women about "Homemaking". Preparing to be a wife and mother. I really thought about it for the first time in awhile, of the huge...responsibility that is. How sad it is that society takes it so lightly. Then we were discussing how we need to be family oriented, not career oriented. I'm just a little worried about my mindset. I want so much to go out there, and perform, and record music, and etc. How am I supposed to do that and be married with children at some point in my life? It just overwhelming. Which I suppose it should be for a 16 year old. To think, that girls my age and younger have kids. Not necessarily on purpose, but indeed they do. How can you trust yourself with such a responsibility? I realize how incredible my mother is, along with any woman who has children. That they are willing to give their wholeselves and life to raising a spirit child of Heavenly Father. It's extremely hard for me to fathom. I'm guessing there is a point in time to where it just "clicks". That you know you are ready. I just... am trying to understand where I'm supposed to draw the line. I want to be on stage, and I'm hoping I can do that for awhile. Unless I am meant to raise a family earlier on. I don't know...I just think alot about the future, which is definitely better than never thinking past Friday night! *sigh* I just need to continue pressing forward, and focus on education. Focus on being the best me that I can be, and live the standards, so one day I will be worthy to meet a man who I am to marry. That will happen... just not yet, haha.

For now, I know I need to breathe, and continue on.

"Live live to the fullest and always believe in yourself, no matter what the world may throw full-force at you. You are strong enough to conquer all."

Friday, February 27, 2009

"I feel so much better than before"

I seem to have this problem since yesterday, that I contantly have songs from Musicals stuck in my head. Currently, I have "So Much Better" from Legally Blonde the Musical in my head. Yesterday it was "Some Things Are Meant To Be" from Little Women. It's crazy... I don't know what to do. Haha.... I'm not quite sure what my point is by writing this blog. At the moment I am sitting in the living room with my family, watching X-Men 2. Hugh Jackman... :)
He just makes me happy :) Ahh! I found the most amazing clip from A Light In the Piazza on YouTube. It's during the song Passeggiata. Wow. I don't know much about the musical yet, but I'm thinking I'm going to listen to more of it, I like it. I've heard about it before, but my interest was sparked yesterday, at PTC. We had Movement Exercizes yesterday during class. We were asked to come up with 90 seconds of instrumental music, and "move" to it. I don't think I did horribly. I chose "Harmony In Dissaray" by Elijah Bossenbroek. Anyway, Hannah used a piece from that show, and I looked at the pictures, and then went home and looked it up. I like it so far. I'm always trying to become more "cultured" in the Musical Theatre section of my life. So, I look up stuff all the time. YouTube is my best friend at times.

Yes I am being random, but those are just my thoughts at the moment. Sometimes I just have the urge to type, without really having much to say. Oh! I picked out my Stake Prom dress today, I love it. It'll be here in a couple weeks. I hope everything fits alright.

Well! See ya later!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Tricycles and Apple Pie.

I decided to write on here. I haven't been on here in awhile, I've realized. I've been beyond busy, and haven't been able to get my words out on paper, screen, whatever.

I want to say this last week and a half has been GREAT. I love that a really good friend of mine is able to be out here. I've realized we both need it. She and I have not known each other for long, I met her at efy this past summer. I remember going to efy this past summer, and being excited for going. I had loved the previous year, and was ready for another spiritual week. :) My friend helped me haul my stuff up into the apartment wayy off campus. It was lovely of him, but I kicked him out of the apartment really quickly bc of that little "no boys allowed" rule of efy!

Anyway....lets back up aways. A few weeks beforehand, we had a friend that we were worried about. She had to be in the hospital and we were worried about her being able to make it to efy. So, I went, not knowing if she would be there. It so happened as I went to the apartment a little later, she and her friend were looking for me. I was so excited to see her, that she was able to make it, I really was! I gave her a hug, and then I look at this new girl. I had heard about her before, and knew beforehand that I thought we could be really good friends. When I really looked at her, I had a strange feeling. It felt as if I had been missing a piece of myself, and I didn't realize it was missing, and she had it. And the moment I saw her, I knew...I was supposed to know her. It was exciting! I said "So this is *!" (not using names) I was so happy in that moment. I remember a night at efy, we were in her room, listening to her i-pod and talking about random things, I was just...amazed that we had only known each other for around 3 days. That was it! Even now, I haven't even known her a year, and I feel like its been a lifetime. I am completely blessed to have her in my life, whether or not she realizes it, which I doubt she does.

I am glad she's been able to come out the past week or so, to just be here. We haven't done anything "amazing" we really haven't left Clarksville really... We did go to my Grandpa Pentzer's actually, and had a ton of fun watching filming for a music video! ...we're just together, and having a great 'drama free' time together. We had a scary movie-marathon last week, which has made the two of us petrified of tricycles. (It's hard to basically comes down to, we are d-o-r-k-s. :D) Its been great. I've learned a little more independance, I've realized that I'm growing up. I'm moving on. I will graduate high school in a couple years, I need to learn who I am. She's helped me realize that, and I love her for that. I know that we'll be friends forever. I TRULY 100% believe that. I hope this visit has helped you too.

"Mortality's supreme test is to face the "why" and then let it go, trusting humbly in the Lord's promise that "all things must come to pass in their time.""
Lance B. Wickman - Oct. Gen. Conf. 2002

"Love is never wasted, for its value does not rest upon reciprocity."
Neal A. Maxwell -

"Stand firm to what you know to be true and regardless of the immediate consequences, in time you will, without question, have no doubt God is on your side."

"Great moments often catch us unaware -- beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one."

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009 A Year of Pressing Forward

I have been going through several things lately, and have discovered a lot of things as well. Towards the end of the year 2008, jumping right into this year, 2009... I decided to not make any resolutions. They never seem to last very long. I wanted to set some sorts of goals, so I feel like Im headed towards something, you know.

I was reading the New Era today, and also heard this in Sunday school a couple weeks ago. Its the Invitation to the Young Women, from the General Young Womens Presidency. They ask us to do three things: "#1: Pray every day. #2: Read the Book of Mormon for at least 5 minutes daily and #3:Smile every day" I thought, thats an easy and important one to start out with. So, I am inviting myself to take initiative and start making my life more what I want it to be, and be comfortable with myself.

I really believe true happiness lies within many different things in life. In service to others, in learning, in growing, in becoming the YOU that you want to be. Of course, I will never be truly perfect. I now that, but I know that I can always become better, and continue growing and loving and giving and being blessed. I am tremendously blessed. With friends, family, my Savior and Heavenly Father...I have so much that people would die for. I'm not bragging, Im the embracing the truth.

I am a daughter of Heavenly Father, who loves me and I love him. I will stand as a witness.

It is my divine oppurtunity to serve in Christ's name while here on earth, my duty to spread my beliefs and the truth to those around me. I dont know how I am going to be able to reach those I am meant to reach, but I know that I can. The Lord has blessed me with faith, love, forgiveness, support, and countless other things.

I am extremely sad that I will not be able to attend efy this summer. I am simply grateful I will have the chance again next summer. I pray that I can still go through this year as well as I have the past two years..I think I will. I have friends I will deeply miss as they take off on that incredible 24 month journey to serving the Lord in all they do. I hope to follow in some way.

Thank you, you know who you are. I love you all.

Because of you, I have faith in all things.
