Heya, it's been a couple weeks. I've been busy, and for about a week I was really sick, (Ooh, it's 11:11!!) (...wow...) and even though that would've been a time with much oppurtunity to write, I did not. I apologize. Well, it's the merry month o may, and school is wrapping up. Which I am happy about, but also very sad. :( Blakely, Hannah, Robert, Alex, Faith, etc are all graduating, and it'll be very tough without the first three in PTC anymore. Luckily, I have two summer shows working with Robert and Alex. Still, I've now realized I never did a scene with Blakely, that depresses me beyond anything. But, oh well, that's how life goes...
You know, I believe that blogs should be uplifting and inspirational, and so far, all this blog is doing is make me feel stressed and sad. That's just a GREAT combination, is it not? My mood overall isn't too bad, just calm and sorta tired. My subconcious must be upset. haha.
Today was Jared's 10th b-day, my my MY how time flies! I still remember he was born, I was at school. Someone called over the intercom for me to go to the front office. So, my little kindergarden self hightailed it to the office where they had my dad on the phone. I was SO excited, bc I didn't know whether the baby was a boy or girl. I wanted a boy, and that's what he was! That was in 1999, and this is 2009. I feel really old. Being born in the 90's is almost as bad as being born in the 80's, muahahaha! ;) Ah well, we all have to be born at some point, right?
I'm not sure exactly why I'm writing, maybe it's bc I felt super guilty bc of how long it's been since I've posted. Or maybe it's just bc I'm bored but sleepy. Ha! I just realized something... I never abbreviate or use 'slangs' in my writing or corespondance, except for "bc". "because". I don't know why, but that's always been a word that I hate spelling. I just don't like it. So, I always say bc instead. It's also a lot faster than typing out a 7 letter word. That's my random weird thing of the day, and trust me, I do and think odd things. That's not always a bad thing, right?
Today I suppose was a nice day. Heather and I took Jared and Kimberlee to the park and got snow cones. Delish! I always am so sad when they close Lana's for the fall and winter. We had the missionaries and grandma over to eat dinner with, and Jared gor a Star Wars Wii game, which he did NOT want to stop playing so he could sleep. 2 and a half hours straight of video gaming will do that to ya. But, he likes his bday present, so we're all happy. I wrapped that dang dvd case too, TWICE. The first time I wrapped it, it wouldn't cover the "spine" of the case completely, so I wrapped more paper on top of that. It was Christmas paper too, bc we Scotts are oh-so-classy. ;)
One last thing before I skidaddle. We watched Pride and Prejudice last night! After all the Mother's Day hulabaloo festivities. *sigh* I love that movie. I still have very fond memories of the first time I saw that movie, but that's a story for another time. I love love love to type, but I can't type when the words no longer make sense. (Meaning typing while I'm asleep haha) I'd better go...I'm crashing...slowly... Speaking of which, mom had Elder Simakov and Elder Butler listen to our version, AHHHH! Anyway...I'll see ya later. I say this sincerly, hopefully I'll be able to blog again soon. PTC Showcase Thursday, resume due tomorrow, EEK! Company 1 showcase tomorrow. Very busy, and very nervous, for the PTC Showcase anyway. Ciao~! Pleasant dreams.
"Surely, you must know, it was all for you." - Mr. Darcy ~ Pride and Prejudice
Monday, May 11, 2009
I have a song stuck in my head that I can't remember the name of, so let's title this, that. :)
Posted by JessMarie92 at 11:11 PM
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HAHA! Nice!
Oh, and you're not as bad compared to the Mays when you wrap gifts. They would wrap it in layers of grocery bags, then a layer of duct tape, then another layer of christmas paper, then another layer of wallpaper held together with bright blue nail polish. I kid you not... that is what they did for everyone they gave a gift to. Well, the kids anyway.
HAHA! That's amazing! I would love that as a kid, I would always remember where I got that gift. That's insane. But the good kind. :)
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