Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Temporarily Obsessed

So today I have added another obssesion along with Rent. :) Well actually I've loved Josh Groban for quite some time now, but today it;s really hit me that I desperately want to see him on person. Someday he will tour again and I will purchase the ticket to wherever is closest to me at the time. *sigh* It's just become a goal now. I will see him eventually!
Anywho, since my recent obsession with Rent started yesterday evening, I wore "rent style" clothing today. Heehee it was fun, but I was really missing the finishing touch of something like Mark's scarf. When I walked into Company One today, I saw that Weston had his Rent shirt on, which made me feel happy and frustrated. Happy, because I wasn't the only one thinking of the show and frustrated, because I really want a Rent shirt. The Company One kids are singing Seasons of Love in their showcase so I got to hear that today as well!
I need to get on here when it's not so late, so I can write more coherently. Maybe tomorrow.

A (short) list of long term "worldly" goals:

-To own an official Rent t-shirt
-To have a cd player in my car
-To see Josh Groban in concert
-To steal Mark's scarf.

Hope you all have a fabulous day!



Unknown said...

jess you are so pretty! i love all of your pictures! :)
love ya! have a stickadacka (awesome new word that me and ellen came up with :P) day!

Grace said...

two of my favorite people in the universe... :) the one of you and weston is my favorite... :) would you care if i stole it and redid it on fb? heehee :) i won't if u dont want me to.