Sunday, October 10, 2010

...and it's gonna be Totally Awesome!

So... NEEDLESS to say, I have neglected this blog for quite some time. I have looked at it from time to time and thought, "You know? Sending a post would be a really good idea." My mind tries to tell me to do good things, but most often I don't listen. This will be short, but at least I'll feel better on the inside.
To do list for today:
-Finish Psychology paper
-Clean room
-Clean kitchen
-Fullfill tasks as a secret agent. (This last one is invisibile, so I know you can't see it:D)

My seemingly lame title comes from something I enjoy. A lot. It's from the parody musical, "A Very Potter Musical." I've even burned the cd and made a cover for the cd case. It's fabulous, look in up on YouTube. I'll most likely be quoting it often here and on Facebook...

A couple Disney World pictures. I have TONS, but here are two I grabbed to stick on here. Well...grabbed with my mind anyway.

EPCOT and the Cinderella's castle.:D Two of the many incredible things in that magical place. I miss it.

Hopefully my next blog will be longer in length and wittier in presentation. But until then... you can read this!