Monday, October 27, 2008

Things that I think about. Alot.

Ive been thinking a lot. Its just one of those things... that everyone does, but I have been thinking about more than "whats for dinner?" or "what shoes should I wear?"

Life is absolutely complicated. Not a single person is the same as another. If we were all identical, #1: Satan would be happy, #2: There would be no point in life, really. So, life is tough, it really is. But its an interesting thing. I seem to think more about life than actually doing something about living the right way, but hey, I am human. That will change though. Not the being human part, haha.

The Presidential election has really started to open my eyes. Im going to admit, straight up. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to Politics. I know enough to know what I believe in, but I don't feel that I know enough to debate about. Now, a lot of my friends are very...heated about what they believe in. Including my mother. Which is fine, but hey thats really all ive been used to in my life, and I feel like i have a lot of catching up to do in that area. My mom is pretty awesome, when it comes to her opinions. She is not very quiet about them. However, before you judge her, I wouldn't call her opinionated. She doesnt give her opinion unless its needed, or wanted. She isn't one of those people that chases someone down the street yelling, "THIS is the truth, THIS is what to believe in!" She cares about others feelings. And so do I. I'm not aspiring to be exactly like that, but I really want to learn to state my opinion without being worried about people hating me for my opinion. I know somewhere in my mind, that this is not the 1800s. Im not a pioneer crossing the plains, and I wont really be persecuted, in that way at least.

Obama and McCain. I don't really know much about either. But I know that Obama really does scare me, and Ive been afraid to say that until now. But he does. I was at a friends house on Friday, and I watched a video, a song parody about Obama... really scared me. Communism.... scary word, it really is. I believe that that is what will eventually happen to a certain extent if he is elected. The words like "universal", and "nationwide health coverage" and "economy"....

Ive been avoiding the election like plague. I really need to take the stand, say what I believe in.

I'm Conservative. I believe how the country used to be run, how it is supposed to be run. I don't like how muddled the different parties have become. Democrat and Republican are not so different from each other as they used to be. That is really all I feel I can say until I am educated enough to formulate an opinion.